Leads with an impressive average score of 117.
Managed to get 9 wins per season and 18 wins in total.
Amassed an average of 93 all play wins and a total of 186.
Got lucky with 0.77 wins above expectation per season and 1.55 in total.
Had an unlucky streak with 0.95 wins under expectation per season and 1.91 in total.
Leads with an average of 2 playoff wins and a total of 4.
"Leads" with an average of 2 playoff losses and a total of 4.
"Leads" with an average of 1.5 toiletbowl wins and a total of 3.
Leads with an average of 2 toiletbowl losses and a total of 4.
Looks like nobody has hit this mark yet. Try lowering the threshold.